The Assumption for Christians: History and Significance
The Christian feast of Assumption from Marie celebrates both the death of the Blessed Virgin, her resurrection, her entry into paradise and her coronation.
Assumption Day is celebrated on August 15th in many countries, especially in parts of Europe and South America.
It is also called the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God (in Eastern countries), or the Feast of the Assumption.
In this article, we discuss:
- Who is the Virgin Mary?
- The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin
- Worship dedicated to Mary of Nazareth
- Mary in other religions
- The miracles of the mother of Jesus
- The difference between Assumption and Ascension?
- How is the Assumption celebrated?
- Where do we celebrate the Assumption?
- Why August 15th?
- Symbols of the Assumption
Who is the Virgin Mary?
Marie is also known as Mary of Nazareth, Virgin Mary, Holy Virgin, Holy Mary, Our Lady or even Mother of Jesus.
The Virgin Mary is seen by Catholic Christians and Orthodox alike the mother of jesus christ , God's Son. She will give birth to him in Bethlehem.
Marie is also referred to as the very first believer , the first to have had faith in Jesus.
Like her son Jesus Christ, Mary had a “human” life, so she too died but was taken to paradise. It therefore shows believers the way: by placing their faith in the hands of God, one benefits from eternal life.
Marie is also a character recognized in Islam . Sura 19 of the Koran is completely dedicated to him. On the other hand, in the Koran, Mary is confused with the sister of Moses and Aaron (Miriam). Many Muslims pray to Mary.
The Blessed Virgin is a model of purity, piety, peace and gentleness.
According to the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary his miraculous pregnancy. This passage from the Bible is the Annunciation.
The Annunciation
This paragraph takes up the passage from the Bible relating the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary according to Luke.
The Annunciation to Mary in the Gospel according to Luke chapter 1, 26-38:
“In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God in a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin who was betrothed to a man of the house of David named Joseph; and the virgin's name was Mary . Having entered where she was, he said to her: "Hail, full of grace!" The Lord is with you; [you are blessed among all women]. But at this word she was greatly disturbed, and she wondered what this greeting could be. The angel said to her: “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you shall conceive, and bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Jesus . He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High; the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David; He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom will have no end. "Mary said to the angel:" How will it be, since I do not know the man? »The angel answered him:« The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the virtue of the Most High will cover you with its shadow . This is why the holy being who will be born will be called the Son of God. And here is Elizabeth, your relative, also conceived a son in her old age, and this month is the sixth for her that was called barren, for nothing will be impossible for God. "Mary then said:" Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to your word! "And the angel left her."
The Cult of Mary
Married is a very important figure for Catholics and Orthodox, she is the object of a very particular cult . The worship devoted to Mary is superior to that devoted to the Saints. This cult even has a dedicated name: Marian worship also called Marian devotion.
Mary is very represented in churches at all times. In most Catholic churches there is a representation of the Virgin and Child or of the Nativity.
Mary in other religions
For the Jews, she is the daughter of Zion.
For Muslims, it is Miriam the mother of Jesus (Issa in the Koran).
Many miracles and apparitions are attributed to Mary . Some places of apparitions have become important places of pilgrimage for Catholics: Lourdes, Gadalupe, Fatima.
The difference between Assumption and Ascension?
The etymology of the word “Assumption” is “ad sumere” which in Latin means “To be transported to” . Mary was therefore “transported to heaven”.
The etymology of the word “Ascent” is “ad scendere” which in Latin means “To climb, to climb”.
The difference therefore lies in the way to reach paradise . Jesus rose, ascended to heaven by himself, while Mary was led to heaven These two terms mark the difference between the Ascension of Christ, his elevation and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
How is the Assumption celebrated?
Catholics celebrate the Assumption all over the world. August 15 is also a public holiday in the Catholic calendar.
Processions, pilgrimages, masses and many more form of celebrations take place on August 15th.
For example in Italy , colorful processions in the streets and fireworks mark the celebration of the feast of the Assumption. This tradition was exported to the United States by the Italian community and we therefore find these festivities in Italian-American communities across the United States.
In sicily and in rural areas to outside of Rome , a procession in reverence is the main event of the day. A statue of the Virgin Mary is carried through the city to an arch of flowers, where a group of people holding a statue of Christ awaits his arrival . The two statues are tilted towards each other three times, then the figure of Christ precedes the figure of Mary returning to the parish church for a special blessing.
In Sao Paulo and other parts of southern Brazil , the party is called Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes , or "Our Lady of the Navigators". The competitions are held on decorated canoes, each carrying a captain, a purser, three musicians and two rowers. They go to small villages to have fun and feast . Cities can have small church processions with musicians whose costumes and behaviors represent the "three wise men" mentioned in the Bible.
There was a time when some Italian squares were flooded. Citizens rode the temporary "lakes" in cars and it was common for people carry bowls of rose-scented water, which they sprinkled on themselves - perhaps a postponement of a pagan ritual in which the gods were requested to provide sufficient rainfall for the crops, or in homage to the pagan goddess Isis of the sea.
Assumption Day is also an important holiday in France where the Virgin Mary has been the patron saint since 1638.
Assumption Day is a public holiday in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Chile, Croatia, France, parts of Germany, Guatemala, Greece, Italy, Poland , Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland (the holiday may be regional or limited to certain groups in Switzerland).
However, Assumption Day is not a public holiday in countries like Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and United States.
Why August 15th?
Assumption Day commemorates the belief that when Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, has passed away, his body has not been subjected to the usual process of physical decomposition, but was "taken" to heaven and united his soul there. This feast, which has been celebrated since the fourth century AD, is a Christianization of an earlier harvest festival and in many parts of Europe is known as the Feast of Our Lady of the Harvest.
For centuries, celebrations have been held in honor of the goddess Isis of the sea, who was born on this day according to mythology. With the advent of Christianity, church leaders decided that the easiest way to handle this pagan ritual was to simply change it to a Christian holiday, hence the introduction of Assumption Day.
Like the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption has not always been an official dogma of the Roman Catholic Church - not until Pope Pius XII ordained it in 1950. It is, however, a shared pious belief by some Orthodox Christians and some Anglicans. It is considered the main feast day of the Virgin Mother.
- The remains of the ancient celebration include nightly bonfires and public illuminations , both probably symbolic of the sun, in Italy.
- The idea of prosperity is also represented by throwing coins out of the windows in some cultures.
- Of symbolic images of the Virgin Mary and his accession to heaven were associated with this day.
- Blue is the color most often associated with the Virgin Mary. It symbolizes truth and clarity , and it is the color of the sky, which symbolizes the sky.
- The lily, symbol of purity, chastity and simplicity , is also associated with the Virgin Mary.
We have therefore seen that the Virgin Mary is respected and recognized by all religions and that' a very particular cult is devoted to him in the Catholic and Orthodox religion.
She's there mother of jesus , fruit of Immaculate Conception , and many cults are dedicated to him.
The celebration of the Assumption is an important feast across the world for Catholics and its manifestations are diverse and varied: processions, masses, fireworks.
The date of August 15 is probably a historical choice which initially had nothing to do with the Christian religion.
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